Friday, February 4, 2011


Welcome to Moe Rider Reviews.  My name's Erin and I'm a 20-something female living in Indiana, USA who works for a hospital in a position that required a 4-year college degree and a credential.  And I happen to really like Kamen Rider.  A lot.  And anime and manga and Asian shows in general, but Kamen Rider seems to be the big, long-term love of my life.

I got into Kamen Rider back in 2007 by being accidentally introduced to Den-OSince then, I have watched all current heisei Kamen Rider series, and though I haven't watched anything predating Den-O, I am aware of them and respect them as having come before.  If I weren't so busy lazy, I'd probably watch the older ones, but that probably won't happen.  Ever since getting hooked onto this thing that is Kamen Rider, I haven't looked back.  Yes, there are series (okay, only one series) that I disliked, but that hasn't destroyed my love for Kamen Rider.  As such, I have been collecting a lot of Kamen Rider toys and things.  It's now bigger than my Gundam collection, which is sad in a way.  When the Kamen Rider collection gets bigger than my stuffed animal collection, then I'll realize that there is a problem (I don't anticipate this ever happening, though).

Anyway, this blog right here will be for me to "review" my Kamen Rider toys and paraphernalia that I've collected over the years.  There will be pictures and my dopey commentary, and I put "review" in quotes because it will most likely end with me saying how much I love said item rather than giving it a proper review.  And this won't be entirely Kamen Rider (I hope) as I do have other items in my vast collection of stuff, like plush toys and statues and all that, but the focus is on Kamen Rider.  I hope to update this place at least once a month, but it may end up being whenever I feel like it.

So, why "Moe Rider Reviews" for the name?  I like moe, okay?  I like moe a lot.  If you can't handle the cute, then I'm sorry, but... there's a lot of cute stuff in my collection.  I may be a bit of a tomboy, but I like girly things, too.

I hope everyone enjoys this place (and I hope I don't end up getting bored of it).

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